Paul Goldbart's recent preprints and reprints
- Here's a table of some of our recent preprints and reprints.
- Some of the reprints may be viewed by selecting the journal name
(typically pdf versions).
- Some of the preprints may be viewed by selecting the cond-mat
link to the preprint server at Cornell. (You'll be shown the abstract — to see
the full article select PS for the PostScript version or PDF for the PDF version.)
- To see these preprints and reprints your browser will need to be able to
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Flocking from a quantum analogy: Spin-orbit coupling in an active fluid
Benjamin Loewe, Anton Souslov, and Paul M. Goldbart
arXiv:1708.00937 [13 pages]
Phase separation leads to buckling in polymer-gel tori
Ya-Wen Chang, Michael S. Dimitriyev, Anton Souslov, Nikolov N. Svetoslav,
Samantha M. Marquez, Alexander Alexeev, Paul M. Goldbart, and Alberto Fernandez-Nieves
Defect transitions in nematics liquid crystal capillary bridges
Perry W. Ellis, Shengnan Huang, Susannah Doss, Jayalakshmi Vallamkondu,
Edward Danemiller, Mark Vernon, Paul M. Goldbart, and Alberto Fernandez-Nieves
Control of noisy quantum systems: Field-theory approach to error mitigation
Rafael Hipolito and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review A 93, 042319 (2016) [24 pages];
arXiv:1512.05477 [25 pages]
Emergent tilt order in Dirac polymer liquids
Anton Souslov, Benjamin Loewe and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review E 92, 030601(R) (2015) [5 pages];
arXiv:1412.7491 [6 pages]
Beads on a string: structure of bound aggregates of
globular particles and long polymer chains
Anton Souslov, Jennifer E. Curtis and Paul M. Goldbart;
Soft Matter A 11, 8092-8099 (2015) [8 pages];
arXiv:1505.07868 [8 pages]
Impact of single-particle compressibility on the fluid-solid
phase transition for ionic microgel suspensions
M. Palaez-Fernandez, Anton Souslov, L. A. Lyon, P. M. Goldbart and A. Fernandez-Nieves;
Physical Review Letters 114, 098303 (2015) [5 pages];
arXiv:1410.4874 [5 pages]
Directed-polymer systems explored via their quantum analogs:
General polymer interactions and their consequences
D. Zeb Rocklin and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review B 88, 165417 (2013) [9 pages];
arXiv:1307.0852 [11 pages]
Organization of strongly interacting directed polymer liquids
in the presence of stringent constraints
Anton Souslov, D. Zeb Rocklin and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review Letters 111, 096401 (2013) [5 pages];
arXiv:1304.5267 [5 pages]
Statistical physics of isotropic-genesis nematic elastomers I:
Structure and correlations at high temperatures
Bing-Sui Lu, Fangfu Ye, Xiangjun Xing and Paul M. Goldbart;
International Journal of Modern Physics B 27 (2013) 1330012 [51 pages];
arXiv:1304.3878 [33 pages]
Generalized Deam-Edwards approach to the statistical mechanics
of randomly crosslinked systems
Xiangjun Xing, Bing-Sui Lu, Fangfu Ye and Paul M. Goldbart;
New Journal of
Physics -- Focus Issue on Frontiers of Disorder Physics 15 (2013) 085017 [25 pages]
arXiv:1305.0718 [19 pages]
Dephasing dynamics of Rydberg atoms
F. Bariani, Paul M. Goldbart and T.A.B. Kennedy;
Physical Review A 86, 041802(R) (2012) [4 pages];
arXiv:1208.0355 [6 pages]
Dependence of global superconductivity on inter-island coupling
in arrays of long SNS junctions
Serena Eley, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Paul M. Goldbart and Nadya Mason;
Journal of
Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 445701 (2013) [5 pages];
arXiv:1206.5999 [12 pages]
Directed-polymer systems explored via their quantum analogs:
Topological constraints and their consequences
D. Zeb Rocklin, Shina Tan and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review B 86, 165421 (2012) [16 pages];
arXiv:1205.5027 [17 pages]
Ettingshausen effect due to Majorana modes
Chang-Yu Hou, Kirill Shtengel, Gil Refael and Paul M. Goldbart;
Journal of Physics -- Focus Issue on Topological Quantum Computation
14 (2012) 105005 [17 pages];
arXiv:1203.5793 [10 pages]
Phenomenological theory of isotropic-genesis nematic elastomers
Bing-Sui Lu, Fangfu Ye, Xiangjun Xing and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review Letters
108, 257803 (2012) [5 pages];
arXiv:1203.0982 [5 pages]
Exploring models of associative memory via cavity quantum electrodynamics
Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Benjamin L. Lev and Paul M. Goldbart;
Philosophical Magazine
92, 353-361 (2012);
this article is published in a special issue of Philosophical Magazine
in celebration of the 70th birthday of David Sherrington;
preprint version [5 pages]
Approaching zero-temperature metallic states in mesoscopic
superconductor-normal-superconductor arrays
Serena Eley, Sarang Gopalakrishnan,
Paul M. Goldbart and Nadya Mason;
Nature Physics
8, 59-62 (2012);
published online 4 December 2011 (DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2154) [4 pages],
Supplementary Information [2 pages],
see also the Nature Physics (vol. 8, pages 8-9) News and Views article by James Annett entitled Metals in flatland;
arXiv:1107.2837 [13 pages],
Supplementary Information [2 pages]
Two-step stabilization of orbital order and the dynamical
frustration of spin in the model charge-transfer insulator KCuF3
by James C. T. Lee, Shi Yuan, Siddhartha Lal, Young Il Joe, Yu Gan,
Serban Smadici, Ken Finkelstein, Yejun Feng, Andrivo Rusydi,
Paul M. Goldbart, S. Lance Cooper and Peter Abbamonte;
Nature Physics, 8, 63-66 (2012);
published online 16 October 2011, DOI:10.1038/NPHYS2117 [4 pages];
arXiv:0911.0619 [13 pages]
Frustration and glassiness in spin models
with cavity-mediated interactions
Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Benjamin L. Lev, and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review Letters
107, 277201 (2011) [5 pages];
arXiv:1108.1400 [5 pages]
Universal phase structure of dilute Bose gases with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
by Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Austen Lamacraft, and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review
A 84, 061604(R) (2011) [5 pages];
arXiv:1106.2552 [5 pages]
Polydomain structure and its origins in isotropic-genesis nematic elastomers
Bing-Sui Lu, Fangfu Ye, Xiangjun Xing, and Paul M. Goldbart;
arXiv:1101.1323 [7 pages]
Cratered Lorentzian response of driven microwave superconducting
nanowire-bridged resonators: oscillatory and magnetic-field induced
stochastic states
Matthew W. Brenner, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Jaseung Ku,
Timothy J. McArdle, James N. Eckstein, Nayana Shah,
Paul M. Goldbart, and Alexey Bezryadin;
Physical Review B 83, 184503 (2011) [18 pages];
arXiv:1101.0817 [40 pages]
Penetration of nonintegral magnetic flux through domain-wall
bends in time-reversal symmetry broken superconductors
David G. Ferguson and Paul M. Goldbart;
Review B 84, 014523 (2011) [18 pages];
arXiv:1011.2765 (19 pages)
Weber blockade theory of magnetoresistance oscillations in superconducting strips
David Pekker, Gil Refael, and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review Letters
107, 017002 (2011) [4 pages];
arXiv:1010.4799 [5 pages]
Global geometric entanglement in transverse-field XY spin chains:
finite and infinite systems
Tzu-Chieh Wei, Smitha Vishveshwara, and Paul M. Goldbart;
Information and Computation 11, 0326-354 (2011);
arXiv:1012.4114 [36 pages]
Atom-light crystallization of BECs in multimode cavities:
Nonequilibrium classical and quantum phase transitions, emergent
lattices, supersolidity, and frustration
Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Benjamin L. Lev, and Paul M. Goldbart;
Review A 82, 043612 (2010) [29 pages];
see also the Viewpoint:
Liquid-crystalline phases of ultracold atoms
by Jonathan Keeling, Joe Bhaseen and Ben Simons,
Physics 3, 88 (2010);
arXiv:1007.0922 [34 pages]
Probing the mechanical properties of graphene
using a corrugated elastic substrate
Scott Scharfenberg, D.Z. Rocklin, Cesar Chialvo, Richard L. Weaver,
Paul M. Goldbart, and Nadya Mason;
Physics Letters 98, 091908 (2011) [3 pages];
arXiv:1006.3037 [5 pages]
Transport through Andreev bound states in a graphene quantum dot
Travis Dirks, Taylor L. Hughes, Siddhartha Lal, Bruno Uchoa,
Yung-Fu Chen, Cesar Chialvo, Paul M. Goldbart, and Nadya Mason;
Physics 7, 386-390 (2011);
arXiv:1005.2749 [16 pages]
Observation of half-height magnetization steps in
J. Jang, D.G. Ferguson, V. Vakaryuk, R. Budakian,
S.B. Chung, P.M. Goldbart, and Y. Maeno;
Science 331, 186-188 (2011);
Supplementary online material;
arXiv:1101.3611 [43 pages]
An anomalously elastic, intermediate phase in
randomly layered superfluids,
superconductors, and planar magnets
Priyanka Mohan, Paul M. Goldbart, Rajesh Narayanan,
John Toner, and Thomas Vojta;
Physical Review Letters 105, 085301 (2010) [4 pages];
arXiv:1003.5201 [5 pages]
Approaching multichannel Kondo physics using correlated bosons:
Quantum phases and how to realize them
by Siddhartha Lal, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review B 81, 245314 (2010) [8 pages];
reprinted in
Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology (June 28, 2010)
and in
Virtual Journal of Atomic Quantum Fluids (July 2010)
Superconducting nanowires fabricated using molecular templates
Alexey Bezryadin and Paul M. Goldbart;
Advanced Materials
22, 1111-1121 (2010);
review paper prepared for a special issue of the journal
Advanced Materials
devoted to research being done currently in the
Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign;
preprint [longer version, 45 pages]
Heterogeneous solids and the micro/macro connection:
Structure and elasticity in architecturally complex media
as emergent collective phenomena
Paul M. Goldbart;
Journal of Thermal Stresses
33, 1-8 (2010);
prepared in connection with a keynote address at
the International Congress on Thermal Stresses
(Urbana, Illinois, June 1-4, 2009)
Critical velocity of a clean one-dimensional superconductor
by Tzu-Chieh Wei and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review B
80, 134507 (2009) [10 pages];
arXiv:0904.2904 [20 pages]
Emergent crystallinity and frustration with
Bose-Einstein condensates in multimode cavities
by Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Benjamin L. Lev, and Paul M. Goldbart;
Nature Physics
5, 845-850 (2009);
Information at Nature Physics (8 pages, DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS1403),
see also the Nature Physics (vol. 5, pages 781-782)
News and Views article by Helmut Ritsch entitled Crystals of atoms and light;
arXiv:0903.2254, 8 pages
Stochastic dynamics of phase-slip trains and superconductive-resistive
switching in current-biased nanowires
by David Pekker, Nayana Shah, Mitrabhanu Sahu,
Alexey Bezryadin and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review B
80, 214525 (2009), 17 pages;
arXiv:0904.4432, 21 pages;
reprinted in Virtual
Journal of Applications of Superconductivity (January 1, 2010)
Soft random solids and their heterogeneous elasticity
by Xiaoming Mao, Paul M. Goldbart, Xiangjun Xing and Annette Zippelius;
Physical Review E
80, 031140 (2009), 35 pages;
arXiv:0812.3935, 39 pages
Quantized vortices and superflow in arbitrary dimensions:
Structure, energetics and dynamics
Paul M. Goldbart and Florin Bora;
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
422 (2009), 185001, 30 pages;
arXiv:0812.3969, 35 pages
Mathematics for Physics - A Guided Tour for Graduate Students
Michael Stone and Paul Goldbart;
Cambridge University Press (2009), 806 pages;
for a review see
Physics Today (October 2009, page 57); copies can be found at |
Cambridge University Press
(elsewhere) |
Pre-publication version
Individual topological tunnelling events of a quantum field probed via their macroscopic consequences
Mitrabhanu Sahu, Myung-Ho Bae, Andrey Rogachev, David Pekker,
Tzu-Chieh Wei, Nayana Shah, Paul M. Goldbart and Alexey Bezryadin;
Nature Physics 5, 503-508 (2009)
supplementary information;
preprint version
arXiv:0804.2251, 25 pages;
University of Illinois News Bureau press release
David Sherrington as a mentor of young scientists
by Paul M. Goldbart;
delivered at "Viewing the World Through Spin Glasses,"
a conference in honour of David Sherrington
(Oxford, August 31-September 1, 2007);
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (special issue)
41 (2008) 1-3,
Ton Coolen, Hidetoshi Nishimori, Nicolas Sourlas and Michael Wong
(guest editors)
Emergence of h/e-period oscillations in the critical temperature of small superconducting rings threaded by magnetic flux
Tzu-Chieh Wei and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review B 77, 224512 (2008), 16 pages;
arXiv:0712.2596, 30 pages
Inherent stochasticity of superconductive-resistive switching in nanowires
Nayana Shah, David Pekker and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review Letters 101, 207001 (2008), 4 pages;
arXiv:0709.3971v2, 5 pages;
reprinted in Virtual
Journal of Applications of Superconductivity
(November 15, 2008, volume 15, issue 10),
and in
Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology
(November 24, 2008, volume l8, issue 21)
Nematic elastomers: From a microscopic model
to macroscopic elasticity theory
Xiangjun Xing, Stephan Pfahl, Swagatam Mukhopadhyay,
Paul M. Goldbart and Annette Zippelius;
Physical Review E 77, 051802 (2008), 10 pages;
preprint, 11 pages
Local superfluid densities probed via current-induced
superconducting phase gradients
David S. Hopkins, David Pekker, Tzu-Chieh Wei, Paul M. Goldbart and Alexey Bezryadin;
Physical Review B 76, 220506(R) (2007), 4 pages;
5 pages;
reprinted in Virtual
Journal of Applications of Superconductivity
(December 15, 2007, volume 13, issue 12)
Probing dynamics using fluorescence resonance energy transfer with donors of differing lifetimes
Weiqun Peng, Tania Chakrabarty, Paul M. Goldbart and Paul R. Selvin;
Biophysical Journal (submitted, 2007), 16 pages
Elastic heterogeneity of soft random solids
Xiaoming Mao, Paul M. Goldbart, Xiangjun Xing and Annette Zippelius;
Europhysics Letters 80,
26004 (2007), 5 pages;
cond-mat/0610407, 5 pages
Thermal fluctuations and rubber elasticity
Xiangjun Xing, Paul M.Goldbart and Leo Radzihovsky;
Physical Review Letters 98, 075502 (2007), 4 pages;
see also the Physical Review Focus article
Rubber Theory Fits without a Stretch
(February 20, 2007)
Elasticity of highly cross-linked random networks
Stephan Ulrich, Xiaoming Mao, Paul M.Goldbart and Annette Zippelius;
Europhysics Letters 76, 677-682 (2006);
cond-mat/0608388, 6 pages
Phase-slip avalanches in the superflow of helium-four through
arrays of nanosize apertures
David Pekker, Roman Barankov and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review Letters 98, 175301 (2007), 4 pages;
cond-mat/0606560, 8 pages;
reprinted in Virtual
Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology
(May 7, 2007)
Magnetic field enhancement of superconductivity in ultra-narrow wires
Andrey Rogachev, Tzu-Chieh Wei, David Pekker, A. T. Bollinger, Paul M. Goldbart and Alexey Bezryadin;
Physical Review Letters 97, 137001 (2006), 4 pages;
cond-mat/0604351, 5 pages
Universal point contact resistance between thin-film superconductors
Michael Hermele, Gil Refael, Matthew P. A. Fisher and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review B 73, 134504 (2006), 21 pages;
cond-mat/0511210, 29 pages
Enhancing superconductivity: Magnetic impurities
and their quenching by magnetic fields by
Tzu-Chieh Wei, David Pekker, Andrey Rogachev, Alexey Bezryadin and Paul M. Goldbart;
Europhysics Letters 75, 943-949 (2006);
cond-mat/0510476, 8 pages
Glassy correlations and microstructures in randomly crosslinked homopolymer blends by
Christian Wald, Paul M. Goldbart and Annette Zippelius;
Journal of Chemical Physics 124, 214905 (2006), 18 pages;
cond-mat/0509694, 19 pages
Squeezing superfluid from a stone:
Coupling superfluidity and elasticity in a supersolid by
Alan T. Dorsey, Paul M. Goldbart and John Toner;
Physical Review Letters 96, 055301 (2006), 4 pages;
cond-mat/0508271, 4 pages
Operation of a superconducting nanowire quantum interference device with mesoscopic leads by
David Pekker, Alexey Bezryadin, David S. Hopkins and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review B 72, 104517 (2005), 18 pages;
cond-mat/0507315, 20 pages;
an extended, primarily theoretical paper complementing
Hopkins et al., Science 308, 1762-65 (2005) -- see below;
reprinted in Virtual
Journal of Applications of Superconductivity
(October 1, 2005, volume 9, issue 7);
also reprinted in Virtual
Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology
(October 10, 2005).
Fate of the Josephson effect in thin-film superconductors
Michael Hermele, Gil Refael, Matthew P. A. Fisher and Paul M. Goldbart;
Nature Physics 1, 117-121 (2005),
see also the Nature Physics (vol. 1, pages 83-84) News and Views article by Steven Girvin entitled
Quantum coherence: Just what is superconductivity?
Cavity approach to the random solid state by
Xiaoming Mao, Paul M. Goldbart, Marc Mézard and Martin Weigt;
Physical Review Letters 95, 148302 (2005), 4 pages;
cond-mat/0506194, 4 pages
Double-exchange model for noninteracting electron spins coupled
to a lattice of classical spins: Phase diagram at zero
temperature by
David Pekker, Swagatam Mukhopadhyay, Nandini Trivedi and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review B 72, 075118 (2005), 9 pages;
cond-mat/0502621, 9 pages
Quantum interference device made by DNA templating of
superconducting nanowires by
David S. Hopkins, David Pekker, Paul M. Goldbart and Alexey Bezryadin;
Science 308, 1762-65 (2005)
From vulcanization to isotropic and nematic rubber elasticity by
Xiangjun Xing, Swagatam Mukhopadhyay, Paul M. Goldbart and Annette Zippelius;
cond-mat/0411660, 7 pages
Glassy states and microphase separation in cross-linked
homopolymer blends by
Christian Wald, Annette Zippelius and Paul M. Goldbart;
Europhysics Letters
70, 843-849 (2005);
cond-mat/0411056, 7 pages
Global entanglement and quantum criticality in spin chains
Tzu-Chieh Wei, Dyutiman Das, Swagatam Mukhopadhyay,
Smitha Vishveshwara and Paul M. Goldbart;
Review A 71, 060305(R) (2005), 4 pages;
reprinted in Virtual
Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology
(June 27, 2005, volume 11, issue 25)
Synthesizing arbitrary two-photon polarization mixed states by
Tzu-Chieh Wei, Joseph B. Altepeter, David Branning, Paul M. Goldbart,
D. F. V. James, Evan Jeffrey, Paul G. Kwiat, Swagatam Mukhopadhyay and
Nicholas A. Peters;
Physical Review A 71,
032329 (2005), 12 pages;
quant-ph/0501115, 9 pages
Sam Edwards and the statistical mechanics of rubber by
Paul M. Goldbart and Nigel Goldenfeld, in
Stealing the Gold: A Celebration of the Pioneering Physics
of Sam Edwards
(published by Oxford University Press, 2004)
Stealing the Gold: A Celebration of the Pioneering Physics
of Sam Edwards
A selection of reprints accompanied by chapters by various authors;
edited by
Paul M. Goldbart, Nigel Goldenfeld and David Sherrington
(published by Oxford
University Press, 2004;
see the cover)
Quantifying multipartite entanglement
T.-C. Wei, J. B. Altepeter, D. Das, M. Ericsson,
P. M. Goldbart, S. Mukhopadhyay, W. J. Munro and
S. Vishveshwara;
pdf version,
4 pages;
in Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing,
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings Volume 734 (2004),
pp. 241-244
(Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference
on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing,
Strathclyde, Scotland, July 2004)
Scaling of entropic shear rigidity
Xiangjun Xing, Swagatam Mukhopadhyay and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review Letters 93, 225701 (2004),
4 pages;
5 pages
Connections between relative entropy of entanglement
and geometric measure of entanglement by
Tzu-Chieh Wei, Marie Ericsson,
Paul M. Goldbart and William J. Munro;
Quantum Information and Computation 4, 252-272 (2004),
Goldstone-type fluctuations and their
implications for the amorphous solid state by
Paul M. Goldbart, Swagatam Mukhopadhyay and Annette Zippelius;
Physical Review B 70, 184201 (2004), 21 pages;
cond-mat/0405154, 20 pages
h/e magnetic flux modulation of the energy gap in nanotube quantum dots by
Ulas C. Coskun, Tzu-Chieh Wei, Smitha Vishveshwara, Paul M. Goldbart and
Alexey Bezryadin; Science 304, 1132-34 (2004)
Goldstone fluctuations in the amorphous solid state by
Swagatam Mukhopadhyay, Paul M. Goldbart and Annette Zippelius;
Letters 67, 49-55 (2004), 7 pages;
cond-mat/0310664, 7 pages
Measures of entanglement in multipartite bound entangled states
Tzu-Chieh Wei, Joseph B. Altepeter, Paul M. Goldbart
and William J. Munro;
Physical Review A 70, 022322 (2004), 5 pages
Geometric measure of entanglement and applications to
bipartite and multipartite quantum states by
Tzu-Chieh Wei and Paul M. Goldbart,
Review A 68 042307 (2003),
12 pages;
Application of the geometric measure of entanglement to three-qubit mixed states by
Tzu-Chieh Wei and Paul M. Goldbart,
Geometric measure of entanglement for multipartite quantum states by
Tzu-Chieh Wei and Paul M. Goldbart,
Connecting the geometric measure of entanglement and
entanglement witnesses by
Tzu-Chieh Wei and Paul M. Goldbart,
Two-qubit mixed states and the entanglement-entropy frontier by
Tzu-Chieh Wei, Kae Nemoto, Paul M. Goldbart, Paul G. Kwiat,
William J. Munro and Frank Verstraete,
in Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on
Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing
(QCMC'02, July 22-26 2002, MIT, Cambridge, MA)
(Rinton Press, December 2002),
(pdf version)
Instantaneous liability rule auctions: The continuous extension of
higher-order liability rules by
Sergey I. Knysh, Paul M. Goldbart and Ian Ayres,
submitted to the Journal of
Law, Economics, and Organization (October 2002);
preprint version
(33 pages;
in PostScript,
in pdf)
Density of states in d-wave superconductors
disordered by extended impurities
by Inanc Adagideli, Daniel E. Sheehy and Paul M. Goldbart,
Review B 66 140512(R) (2002),
4 pages;
Maximal entanglement versus entropy for mixed quantum states
by Tzu-Chieh Wei, Kae Nemoto, Paul M. Goldbart, Paul G. Kwiat,
William J. Munro and Frank Verstraete,
Review A 67 022110 (2003), 12 pages;
Probing d-wave pairing correlations in the pseudogap regime of the
cuprate superconductors via low-energy states near impurities by
Daniel E. Sheehy, Inanc Adagideli, Paul M. Goldbart and Ali Yazdani,
Review B 64, 224518 (2001),
8 pages;
Quantal Andreev billiards: Semiclassical approach to
mesoscale oscillations in the density of states
by Inanc Adagideli and Paul M. Goldbart,
International Journal of Modern Physics
Vol. B 16, No. 10, 1381-1458 (2002);
Charge transport in manganites: Hopping conduction,
the anomalous Hall effect and universal scaling
Y. Lyanda-Geller,
S. H. Chun,
M. B. Salamon,
P. M. Goldbart,
P. D. Han,
Y. Tomioka,
A. Asamitsu and
Y. Tokura,
Review B 63, 184426-184452 (2001);
Connecting the vulcanization transition to percolation by
Weiqun Peng, Paul M. Goldbart and Alan J. McKane,
Review E 64, 031105 (2001), 7 pages;
Optimal delegation and decoupling
in the design of liability rules
Ian Ayres and
Paul M. Goldbart,
Law Review 100 (Centenary Volume), pp. 1-79,
preprint (in pdf) (121 pages)
Correlated values in the theory of property and liability rules
Ian Ayres and
Paul M. Goldbart,
32 Journal of
Legal Studies 121-151 (2003),
preprint (in pdf) (41 pages); more about
the Journal
of Legal Studies
Quantal Andreev billiards: Density of states oscillations
and the spectrum-geometry relationship by
Inanc Adagideli and Paul M. Goldbart,
Review B 65, 201306(R) (2002),
4 pages;
Density-correlator signatures of the vulcanization transition by
Weiqun Peng and Paul M. Goldbart,
Physical Journal
B 19, 461-466 (2001),
Andreev interferometry as a probe of
superconducting phase correlations
in the pseudogap regime of the cuprates by
Daniel E. Sheehy, Paul M. Goldbart,
Joerg Schmalian and Ali Yazdani,
Review B 62, 4105-4113 (2000),
Vulcanization and the random solid state it yields:
A statistical mechanical perspective
Paul M. Goldbart and Weiqun Peng, in
Disordered and Complex Systems
(AIP Conference Proceedings, 553, p. 41-71, 2001), edited by
P. Sollich, A. C. C. Coolen and L. P. Hughston,
Proceedings of the King's College (London) Conference
(July 10-14, 2000),
PostScript version
Semi-microscopic theory of elasticity near
the vulcanization transition by
Horacio E. Castillo and Paul M. Goldbart,
Review E 62, 8159-8174 (2000);
Renormalization-group approach to the vulcanization transition
Weiqun Peng and Paul M. Goldbart,
Review E 61, 3339-3357 (2000);
Low-energy quasiparticle states
near extended scatterers in d-wave
superconductors and their connection with
SUSY quantum mechanics by
Inanc Adagideli, Paul M. Goldbart,
Alexander Shnirman and Ali Yazdani,
Physical Review Letters
83, 5571-5574 (1999),
Random solids and random solidification: What can be learned by
exploring systems obeying permanent random constraints? by
Paul M. Goldbart,
presented at a workshop entitled
Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics
(ICTP, Trieste, September 15-18, 1999),
published in a special issue of
Journal of Physics -- Condensed Matter 12, 6585-6599 (2000),
Early stages of homopolymer collapse by
Avi Halperin and Paul M. Goldbart,
Physical Review E 61, 565-573 (2000),
The amorphous solid state: a locally stable
thermodynamic phase of randomly constrained systems by
Horacio E. Castillo, Paul M. Goldbart and Annette Zippelius,
Physical Review B 60, 14702-14718 (1999),
Magnetotransport in manganites and
the role of quantal phases:
Theory and experiment by
S. H. Chun, M. B. Salamon, Y. Lyanda-Geller,
P. M. Goldbart and P. D. Han,
Review Letters 84, 757-760 (2000);
PostScript version
Magnetotransport in manganites and
the role of quantal phases
I: Theory by
Y. Lyanda-Geller, P. M. Goldbart,
S. H. Chun and M. B. Salamon,
II: Experiment by
S. H. Chun, M. B. Salamon, P. D. Han,
Y. Lyanda-Geller and P. M. Goldbart,
Statistical mechanics of permanent random atomic and
molecular networks: Structure and heterogeneity of the
amorphous solid state by
Konstantin A. Shakhnovich
and Paul M. Goldbart,
Physical Review B 60, 3862-3884 (1999),
Resonant states and order-parameter suppression
near point-like impurities in d-wave superconductors by
Alexander Shnirman, Inanc Adagideli,
Paul M. Goldbart and Ali Yazdani,
Physical Review B 60, 7517-7522 (1999),
Mesoscopic phenomena in Bose-Einstein systems: Persistent
currents, population oscillations and quantal phases by
Yuli Lyanda-Geller and Paul M. Goldbart,
Review A 61, 43609-43617 (2000);
Topological defects and the short-distance behavior
of the structure factor in nematic liquid crystals by
Martin Zapotocky and Paul M. Goldbart,
submitted to Physical Review E,
Observing the Berry phase in diffusive conductors:
Necessary conditions for adiabaticity by
Daniel Loss, Herbert Schoeller, Paul M. Goldbart,
Physical Review B 59, 13328-13337 (1999),
Rigidity as an emergent property of random networks:
A statistical mechanical view by
Paul M. Goldbart,
in Rigidity: Theory and Applications,
pp. 95-124,
edited by M. F. Thorpe and P. M. Duxbury
(Plenum, 1999),
PostScript version
Conductivity of mesoscopic ferromagnets by
Yuli Lyanda-Geller, Igor L. Aleiner and Paul M. Goldbart,
Physical Review Letters 81, 3215-3218 (1998),
Elasticity near the vulcanization transition by
Horacio E. Castillo, Paul M. Goldbart,
Physical Review E 58, R24-27 (1998),
Quasi-Andreev reflection in inhomogeneous
Luttinger liquids by
Dmitrii L. Maslov and Paul M. Goldbart,
Physical Review B 57, 9879-9882 (1998),
Intrinsic dissipation and the SO(5) theory of
high-temperature superconductivity by
Daniel E. Sheehy and Paul M. Goldbart,
Physical Review B 57, R8131-8134 (1998),
Multiply-connected Bose-Einstein condensed
alkali gases: Current- carrying states and their decay by
Erich J. Mueller, Paul M. Goldbart and Yuli Lyanda-Geller,
Physical Review A 57, R1505-1508 (1998),
Antiferromagnetic hedgehogs with
superconducting cores by
Paul M. Goldbart and Daniel E. Sheehy,
Physical Review B 58, 5731-5735 (1998),
Universality and its origins at the
amorphous solidification transition by
Weiqun Peng, Horacio E. Castillo, Paul M. Goldbart
and Annette Zippelius,
Review B 57, 839-47 (1998),
9 pages;
Dynamical signatures of the vulcanization
transition by
Kurt Broderix, Paul M. Goldbart and Annette Zippelius;
Physical Review Letters 79, 3688-3691 (1997),
Exact calculation of multifractal exponents of the
critical wave function of Dirac fermions in a random magnetic field by
Horacio E. Castillo, Claudio de C. Chamon, Eduardo Fradkin,
Paul M. Goldbart and Christopher Mudry;
Physical Review B 56, 10668-10677 (1997);
Vulcanised matter: A model glass? by
Annette Zippelius, Paul M. Goldbart;
in Spin Glasses and Random Fields,
pp. 357-386,
edited by A. P. Young
(World Scientific, Singapore, 1997)
Continuous random alloy networks:
Glass transition and elasticity by
Oliver Theissen, Annette Zippelius and Paul M. Goldbart;
International Journal of Modern Physics B11, 1945-1957 (1996)
Random networks of crosslinked manifolds by
Christian Roos, Annette Zippelius and Paul M. Goldbart;
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 30,
1967-1977 (1997)
Induction of non-d-wave order- parameter
components by currents in d-wave superconductors by
Martin Zapotocky, Dmitrii L. Maslov and Paul M. Goldbart;
Physical Review B 55, 6599-6604 (1997);
Randomly crosslinked macromolecular systems:
Vulcanisation transition to and properties of
the amorphous solid state by
Paul M. Goldbart, Horacio E. Castillo and Annette Zippelius;
Advances in Physics 45, 393-468 (1996);
Preprint version,
81 pages
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